Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Education II

This is long, because I care

Obama: OK, tie it into econ, not national defense. You're weaker on ND, so just avoid it. Wow, good job picking up that compromise on public funding and privatization. And good tie on early childhood -- given that most peeps Joe and me's age are now popping out the young ones that helps. And also most of us are in college, and we really do worry about this. Also, interesting that he's adopted a fair amount of what sounds like Hillary's position. Not the service part, but the emphasis on research/grad education. And, as good a plan as making parents work is, you better be glad Schieffer cut you off before sounding uber-liberal.

Walnuts: Standard R party line -- just mention vouchers and he's set. OK, charter schools don't work. See numerous studies since 2006 onwards when the time-series became useful. And competition, well, most studies on that have flaws (since I read most studies on that last week), namely with how they measure things. AND TFA HAS PROBLEMS WITH WHO THEY PICK WALNUTS, DO NOT GET ME STARTED. Most of this, without saying it, mirrors NCLB. Walnuts plan will result in a MASSIVE expansion of federal government, so Joe and Joe's allies, be afraid.

Obama 2: Good compromise. People like states supporting education, and you got to bash on NCLB. And nice tie-in to special education -- didn't Palin cut money for that? OK, ugh to charters. Seriously, ugh. Obama is pulling a truly moderate position on this one. OK, attack Walnuts -- and GREAT line on "I don't think America's youth are interest groups, I think they're our future." Maybe that's just my bias towards studying OIs.

Walnuts 2: OK, DC schools still blow. And if you want a vouchers example, go with Milwaukee for cryin' out loud. Headstart as a great program Walnuts? If you're culling for political points, that ain't the program you call good. So is Walnuts raise taxes? UGH, PALIN. Hey, isn't Beato autistic or something, or do we just lie about that on Wikipedia? So Walnuts on vouchers -- I'll do it when asked?

Obama 3: Hells yes the DC school system blows. I do like how Obama just ignores Walnuts politely. It makes him seem far more rational and calm. Which is how he needs to look. And now Walnuts looks smug. Or on Zoloft.

Walnuts 3: I did not get that joke, or understand what he said.

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