Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A note on Senator Biden

I have extra-special permission to mock Joe Biden for several reasons:
  • Amanda lives like 10 blocks from him and I've seen the outside (cue Matt Beato telling me he's been to his house... we know Beato, we know)
  • I have actually been to all the places he claims to go to in Wilmington (except for Katie's on Union St. because, well, it's been closed for 20 years).
  • As a balding man, I have no respect for anyone who goes Chia-Pet and gets the plugs (though if I had the money and could do it before I turned 30, I would probably consider it too). But for the time being, he is a disgrace to all current and future chrome domes.
  • I've never tried to make a paraplegic stand up.
I guess Jenn (or should I say "Drill Bit"? What was up with that?) is covered on the last one too...

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