Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Begala and Carville

MSNBC is bringing up the ACORN and Ayers thing.

It's irrelevant. To directly quote the man I wanted to be when I was 7 (seriously), James Carville*:


See my earlier post on why the election is over. Nothing changed tonight. There wasn't much of an opportunity for it to. If there'd been more of an economic focus it might have, but so far the dominate issue is still the economy and the frame and perception hasn't changed.

Though I find myself, on MSNBC, agreeing with Mike Murphy. Obama was more defensive. Joe the Plumber won. All of this avoided the economy and Walnuts failed.

*Seriously, since I was a tiny child I wanted to be a strategist, not President. Since roughly seven or eight years of age I have known who James Carville is.

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